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Struggling to
Get More Sales online?
Get qualified leads to visit your website?
Build Brand or Event Awareness?
Create an effective marketing strategy thats saves thousands monthly?
No worries, you are in the right place!

We are Roltate International, a Media Production and Marketing company based in Harare, Zimbabwe.

We create Videos, Websites and Designs to help businesses push their products and services online.




About the Founder


Tatenda is a Brand Consultant and the CEO of Roltate International. He is a graduate of Africa University in Zimbabwe with an Honours in Business Science & Education. Upon returning from travel and study in the U.S and Malaysia, he registered Roltate in 2016. Since then The company has and continues to work with some of the biggest brands in Zimbabwe.

4th Floor Coal House

Nelson Mandela/Park Street

Harare,  Zimbabwe

Roltate International Pvt Ltd

Video| Design| Digital

Cell: +263771 235 713

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© 2020 by Roltate International.


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